The last episode will be coming out soon, and next week we will be releasing our summer show so get ready.

Random TL/Cultural Note:
In case you’re not familiar with what’s going on w/ Tsuruko and cutting her hair: In Japan, when a girl gets dumped by her boyfriend/significant other/etc, she sometimes goes and gets her hair cut to symbolise a fresh start in her life.



  1. omgz you actually released something

  2. Acen
    9:03 am on July 11th, 2011

    Whoa, m.3.3.w isn’t dead.


    I hope your choice for the summer season isn’t what everyone else is doing.

  3. Chibi
    11:14 am on July 11th, 2011

    Thank you~ ^_^

  4. elle
    2:36 pm on July 11th, 2011

    woooaaahh!!! sweeeet!!! thank you, m33333w!!!!

  5. Aidolon
    6:42 pm on July 12th, 2011

    Thanks for the TL/cultural note! I wasn’t aware of that. 🙂

    Watched the weekly releases from UTW, but I’m really looking forward to the batch releases from m33w. Will probably watch the series straight through once they come out, and use that copy for archiving.

    Keep up the great work!

  6. ShadowVlican
    8:38 pm on July 20th, 2011

    thanks for that hair cutting note!