1 thru 4 had an issue with the OP typesetting.
Same for 6+ onwards, as it just wasn’t included.
Since this was long overdue, there will be no patches for the previous episodes.

Mainly done for posterity’s sake, and the fact we are trying to finish whatever is left over from two season’s ago.

Thanks goes out to Kuroten, doplank, mep, and many others who bothered to QC this stuff… If I forgot your name, well I am sorry but know you are not forgotten.

Batch – 480p | Batch – 720p

Decided just add some screenies for sake of it. Mainly from 07-12 as I was too lazy to do a separate post for them.


  1. Marek
    12:58 pm on July 3rd, 2014

    Finally! Thank you! 🙂

  2. D_P
    7:10 am on July 4th, 2014

    Thanks for the SD release, and for finishing this show as well.

  3. GenT
    9:17 am on July 4th, 2014

    Eps 6-12 endcard duration is messed up/longer.

  4. Kuroten
    1:09 pm on July 8th, 2014

    Funabori > best girl. Just sayin.

  5. TheAraragiKun
    2:40 pm on July 12th, 2014

    pls Kuroten
    Takao > Funabori > rest