Koro Edit: ItAint couldn’t think of nothing witty, so here’s the releases. Note, that the two still have the seiyuu commentary if you want to watch while they comment on the episode itself (unsubbed of course), it’s there just by switching the track. Since the main is default you can watch both at once. How nice!

JFYI, we plan on subbing all the specials Zoryouchuu has, (on top of completing it) along with S1 and it’s Drama CDs from BD vol. 6 & 7. So stay tune for more Mitsudomoe soon! And if your lucky enough to visit Japan in May, the site updated itself by mentioning they’ll have a Mitsudomofest at Shinagawa Stellar Hall. However my moonspeak is still lacking so, I’m sure with a few good friends you’ll be able to enjoy meeting the seiyuu behind the misfit trio, as much as I did. (Personally, I like Sugisaki more, as well as her mom.)

Ep 14 – BD Special Only: 720p / 1080p & **(patch)

**Oh, uh right. The only reason for the patch is the last line that I failed to add in as Sugi was talking to her mom.

References in the manga:

Act 1: Volume 02, Chapter 031
Act 2: Volume 06, Chapter 113
Act 3: Volume 04, Chapter 078
Act 4: Volume 07, Chapter 133
Act 5: Volume 07, Chapter 119


  1. Derp
    1:52 pm on February 27th, 2011

    Aww yeah, thank you so much for this!

  2. playerttt
    2:12 pm on February 27th, 2011

    Oh, I love it and I waiting 720p.

  3. rpd
    3:06 am on February 28th, 2011

    720p would be dandy

  4. Bobby
    4:30 pm on February 28th, 2011

    Yeah, guys. A nice Xvid AVI would be nice, too.
    MP4 at least.


  5. Anon
    7:20 am on March 1st, 2011

    I’m getting unsubbed seiyuu commentary over the episode’s audio…why is this? And only a single audio stream so it can’t be turned off. mpc-hc+cccp

    Try the patch. Or 720p.

  6. Bobby
    4:23 pm on March 1st, 2011

    Well, if you don’t do the AVI version, someone else will rip yours and try to take credit. I’m sure we’d all want an Official encoding.

    Talking with Spiegel on that.