
Rosario 12 is ready for encoding, but BiGGuY is on vacation. I think he’s supposed to be back on the 11th.

It looks like we’re dropping Hanasakeru. Curiously, xess and crew will keep doing it up until episode 15 and then drop it because CR will take about 8 weeks to start subbing. Please beg xess if you would like us to continue doing the show because I’m not involved with that project.

Seto 22 is at translation check with asagao. He gives us an ETA of August 9th, but those projections are usually very optimistic.

That’s all for now.

Ichigo69 Edit:  Because you people evidently can’t understand about Crunchyroll, I’ll duplicate the comment I made below:

BTW, people who are complaining about country restrictions…

There will be over 9000 Rip Groups that will be doing this when CR starts. You don’t have to worry about any restrictions. Just pick a rip group and download it. You don’t even have to worry about shitty CR encoding, b/c the rips will have far better quality encoding than CR.

In other words, people, it’s /not/ the end of the world. ^__^

Sorry for the late post. I was eating dinner. Here is episode 21 DVD version of Seto no Hanayome.

Rosario 12 script is about 75% done, although our typesetter is on vacation so I don’t know when that will get done even if I finished the script today.

Hanasakeru 11 script is just about done, but also stuck at typesetting.

I’ll get to editing Jang Geum’s Dream some time this week when I can muster the effort.

So yeah, we are looking for a dedicated translator for episodes 22-26. We have the Japanese manuscripts that the voice actors use for the remaining episode. Here is a sample page from the episode 21 manuscript. If you feel you can help us out, please respond here or contact me on IRC.

Edit: Our other releases (DVD’s 1-5 20, TV 17-19) and [gg]’s 06-16 are on our archive bot, [m33w]imouto on our IRC channel. If we ever get around to doing DVD versions for the older stuff, we will replace each [gg] episode with a DVD version. We will eventually make a batch torrent for all of this stuff. We will also hopefully get around to doing the OVA’s too.

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Itazura na Kiss is back, this time with the soundtracks. Those of you who enjoyed Itazura na Kiss will love the soundtracks. I’ve looked everywhere and couldn’t find it so I decided to buy it. So enjoy. Please seed as long as possible because I own a laptop and I have to move it around so it won’t be always seeded. I know we haven’t posted a new update in a long time so this will suffice.

Please still seed but I’m no longer seeding it (now seeded by our m33w server I think).

Also thank you Nitch from the cbox for helping me with torrent issues.

As for Jang Geum’s Dream, I didn’t give up. I’m TLing episode 8 right now. tun’s doing timing and tlc. Instead of publishing one episode at a time, this might come in a bundle like 5 episodes at a time. Rosario is coming so don’t flood the cbox and blog. Seto is coming thanks to asagao’s hard work.

Itazura na Kiss OST

Hello everyone. I’ve got a short update post for you guys.

Hatsukoi Batch Torrents – I forgot about these, so I’ll post them tonight when I get home from work.

Rosario 12 and 13 – I’m hoping to finish off episode 12 tonight since I have nothing planned for this evening. My weekend is looking slightly busy but hopefully I can finish 13 tonight as well if I don’t slack off.

Hanasakeru 11-13 – Ichigo69 says he will edit episode 11 soon, but he’s still being a bum. xess finished translating episode 12, so it’s on to asagao to do a TL check. Episode 13 still needs to be translated by xess.

Seto 21 – No progress. Still at TL check for asagao. I will make more of a concerted effort to try to find a translator that can read Japanese text since I have the Japanese manuscripts for the remaining episodes. Count this as a semi-recruiting post. If you’re interested, please respond to this post or contact me on IRC.

Summer shows – Just to make it official, we will not be doing any of the newly airing summer shows.

Fall plans? – We will definitely be doing Nogizaka Haruka season 2, so please look forward to that. I haven’t looked at any of the previews or summaries for fall season shows, so I can’t comment any further than Nogizaka S2.

Hey guys.

Hatsukoi 12 is being delayed right now because we’ve had to transition the server that we use to do our work and store our files. No one in the group is particularly giving a shit, so I’m not very happy. Some people on the staff are also putting the group on the back burner to do other shit.

As for next season, nothing really interests us. We’ll make a more informed decision once we finish Hatsukoi and take a closer look at what’s available. We don’t want to pick something up just for the sake of having a regular show to sub every week. We need a summer break too. 🙂

Ichigo69 Edit: Hanasakeru was being delayed b/c of IRL stuff happening, but that’s over now and hopefully we can get back to some timely releases.

Here is Hatsukoi Limited 10.

Updates on other stuff.
Hanasakeru 09 and 10 – asagao is still busy with school, so 09 and 10 are still waiting at translation check. He estimated that he would do episode 09 on the 14th, but it’s now the 16th and nothing has been done. If you’re on the CBox with him, please continue to bitch at him to do his work.
Rosario Capu2 12 and 13 – I’ve been busy lately but I will get around to working on them this week.
Seto 21 – asagao put an estimate of June 15th, but that was yesterday, so it still sits at translation check.

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As promised here is the v2 of Hatsukoi 05.

We closed the tag that Mango failed on, and we made some other minor changes.


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WordPress has been updated to the latest version and we’ve moved the forum to


It’s now built directly into the blog so you won’t have to navigate away. Please try it out.

You must register to post. If you want an avatar, please go to gravatar.com. Gravatars are universal on all avatar enabled wordpress blogs.

We’re almost done with Hanasakeru 02 as well and it should be out tomorrow.

We’re pretty much done with Polyphonica, but we’re gonna wait until the first episode of Hatsukoi Limited airs before we decide what to do. None of us are particularly interested in Polyphonica, so we’ll give Hatsukoi a chance before we finalize our 2nd project. If Hatsukoi really does suck, we’ll release Polyphonica. I’ll be working on Rosario 09 and 10 tonight. That’s all for now.

We have decided not to do Hatsukoi Limited. This decision was based on the following:
1) J.C.Staff sucks
2) The manga sucks
3) The guys are ugly (m.3.3.w only supports healthy relations between a beautiful man and a beautiful woman)
4) While not technically a typical shitty harem anime, this one has a lot of characters and many interconnected relationships (Like true romancefags, m.3.3.w only supports monogamous relationships between a man and a woman)
5) AniYoshi is doing it (yes I know they’re even slower than us these days, but what can ya do)

So this is what we ended up doing:
xess revealed his true nature by suddenly uploading a script for episode 01 of Hanasakeru Seishounen. After much name calling and yelling, the project was approved and work began soon after. I haven’t watched this gay fabulous show yet, so I can’t comment. You can take a look at the AniDB site here.
Hanasakeru Seishounen

Earlier this evening, Mango-chan tells me to edit Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S. I’m like, lolwut. I remember watching the original series named Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica, and I remember it sucking. A lot. So I download the raw and determine that it is the same generic fantasy/magic harem bullshit like its predecessor was. For those of you that don’t know, I hate fantasy/magic shows. So after an hour or so of complaining about every single detail about the show, I stop being tsundere and agree to edit. The main female character is voiced by Tomatsu Haruka, who is best known for her work as Nagi in Kannagi, so how could I refuse? This will probably be out tomorrow (later today).
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S

So yeah, I’ll let you guys come up with your own opinions of the show, but I’m not looking forward to this anime season. I wanted to do Cross Game since it’s a baseball anime and it’s so kawaii, but no one else wants to do it. The 1980’s art style will also turn people away. Which is a damn shame because the first episode will make you “KYAA!” and bury your face in your pillow like a faggot teenage girl. Till the end that is. I won’t give it away, but you will be raging like no other. Some new group is subbing it, but I have heard less than stellar reviews.

As for Rosario and Seto…
Seto 21: xess finished translating this a while ago, but asagao has been too busy to do a TLC. So it’s sitting at TLC for the foreseeable future.

Rosario 09 and 10: Both are still stuck at editing (me). I’ve been going on a Korean drama binge lately, so anime and fansubbing have taken a back seat. I will find the motivation to finish these episodes eventually.

It is almost 4:30AM and I really should have gone to sleep hours ago. Good night.